Our third and last Christmas celebration happened on New Years Day. It wasn't much for us to wait. It was a bit hard on Jaxon. He couldn't wait to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Like all the other times we had fun seeing what everyone got and opening our own gifts. We will spare you the repeat pictures of opening presents, playing with bows, etc. We'll just hit the highlights. This doesn't mean this Christmas wasn't as good, we thought we were getting a little tired of seeing Ziva do the same thing in different outfits in different houses.
Julia is ready to open presents.
Gran Jan found these puzzles with extra large handles for easier grip. Well, they're about the size of a passie. Ziva noticed this and walked around sucking on them the entire time. It's time like these when later that night in bed when you are talking over the day with your spouse that you share a laugh about the situation and your child. Then you stop and wonder if your child will grow out of this "cute" behavior or will they be one of those "weird" people when they are older. Ziva reminds us of the "Katy" character in Horton Hears a Who. Hmmmm...not so sure about that. But we love her!
So we did a bad job taking Group/Family pictures this year. First we didn't take the time to do it most of the time. Maybe it's because there are so many babies "running" around...who knows. Secondly, when we did take the time the kids just wouldn't cooperate. Take pictures below for example. These are the only Family Christmas pictures Jason and tried to take this year and these are the "best" and I use that word loosely.
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