So I pride myself (mistake number one) that I will not be one of those parents who let
their children watch or listen or read whatever. I cringe when I hear of parents letting
their young girls listen to these young female music "artist." Have the parents even listened to the words. Even if these "musicians" aren't talking about loose morals or whatever they are still imparting to our children to crush on the opposite sex way to early or to waste time shopping etc. I guess it's only popular to sing about learning on
Sesame Street and Yo
Gabba Gabba. I digress. I am not even hip on
Miley Cyrus. True she maybe a little more "innocent" than some others say Jamie Lynn Spears but my kid won't be
jammin' out her. I tell you all this so that in my humility I confess that I have already failed myself. I watch the Today Show in the mornings. Not the whole thing just the news. Fridays is their concert series. I was doing the dishes and cleaning up after breakfast and I hear her,
Miley Cyrus. Then I see
Ziva watching intently
Miley Cyrus. Lesson learned Lord. Always Attentive means Always! Pride always comes before a fall. One big mistake down, millions to go.

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