Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My 30th Birthday was Today

1 My Salvation
2 My wonderful husband
3 My beautiful daughter
4 My artistic talent
5 That my brother is still alive
6 My family
7 My In-laws
8 My Friends
9 My Dishwasher (Our first duplex didn’t have one)
10 That I have a washer and a dryer (I see places where people still hang out their clothes)
11 I have my health
12 My 1991 Cutlass…cause it was free
13 That I get to stay home and raise my daughter
14 That I was born in the US even if I take it for granted everyday
15 For those men and women here and over seas that sacrifice so much for us to have the lives and lifestyles that we think we have to have
16 My ability to multitask
17 Books
18 The Bible
19 Music
20Computers…Could you imagine carving our thoughts into stone
21 That there is a woman out there somewhere that decided that it wasn’t a choice and cleaned herself up from drugs, got healthy, had me and then realized that she couldn’t give me the best life. So she gave me up.
22 I am thankful my parents couldn’t have their own kids.
23 That my husband works his butt off so that we can have the life we do.
24 For our FREE townhouse
25 Flip-flops
26 toilet paper…seriously, thank you Jesus for the person who decided to invent that
27 Color…it makes the world beautiful
28 That I can read. I believe that being able to read well and comprehend is the number one skill that can make or break a student’s school career.
29 My stories
30 My short, over weight body. With out it I wouldn’t appreciate the hard work that some people have to put into being in shape. I wouldn’t just say to someone “Why don’t you do weightwatchers” because I know it’s just not that easy. I understand and can encourage others through true pain on their way to a healthy life style. I understand what it’s like to have little to no metabolism. It makes me more understanding to those around me and more humble.

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