Saturday, December 20, 2008


Here's more video of us asking Ziva where something is. At this time we think the game is fun as does she. When it becomes more of game involving where's the: car keys, my wallet, the hair brush, the dog...then there may be issues. Until we will keep having fun and taping it for your viewing enjoyment.

Mommy's Lil' Piggy

Ziva has been eating all real food for a couple of weeks now. It was mostly her decision. She started fighting me when I fed her level three (the mushy stuff with chunks). I could tell she wanted to be in control and wanted only big people food so I thought why not. Below is an average meal for the lil' piggy. She ends up wearing some of it but she still eats a lot. And this is after an 8oz bottle. She eats it all up.

Carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes and chicken.


Ziva's First...

Oreo Cookie! While baking for Christmas I pulverized some oreos. I then got the idea that Ziva had never had one. So I gave her a little piece. She loved it. If you look just right of her mouth you can see the evidence of eating a oreo cookie.

Winter Days

Winter here in the South isn't what it is back in AR or other parts of the US. While most of you were freezing, we were enjoying weather in the upper 70s. It was almost too hot. Ziva and I made the most of it by taking walks, swinging...all the good stuff. Wish you all could have been here to warm up a bit and have fun with us.

Z always makes this face when she is teething. It is so weird.
Look how blue the sky is!
Different textures are fun.

I guess I needed a pine needle because she kept giving them to me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

What Happens When a 11 Month Old Finds a Tissue

It was a clean one. Thank the Lord!

Bellies and Bibs

Finally got a "where's your belly?" video. It's not as good as we wanted but it sort of shows you what she does. The second one is a demonstration of how she takes off her bib. I have been wondering this for a while and now I know. I can't believe she has almost been ripping her head off in order to get her bibs off. I have told her if she would only stop drooling like a mad man she wouldn't have to wear them.

Play Videos

Ziva knows where her belly is now. It's really cute to see her point at it when you ask. Then we cheer and she cheers and smiles. It is darling. However capturing it on film is hard. She's really only playing in these clips though I set out to get her to "show me her belly." It may be boring for some of you but I know the grandparents will enjoy.

Thowing the Ball

"Talking" and Playing

The Hawk

So here's a pic of the hawk that was hanging out in our neighborhood last Saturday. I thought it was odd behavior for a hawk when it allowed me to get with in 5 feet of it to take this pic. After calling the Birds of Prey of South Carolina really...I found out that this behavior is typical when they migrate. Anyways, I have always admired hawks. Can't tell you why. Just do.

The Christmas Cards I Didn't Make

For Halloween I did this homemade card test run. I made cards using Ziva's upside down foot print as a ghost. They turned out cute even if most of the foot prints were smugged into some unrecognizable shape.

If you did not get one I am sorry. Like I said it was a test run. There was suppose to be a test run making hand print turkey cards for Thanksgiving. After careful thought in regards to how the 10 month old would deal with all that paint on her hand, I nixed the project.

But I was all ready for these Christmas cards. I had all my supplies. I had scheduled my time wisely. I even had my helper elf...Jason. So last Saturday, sniffles and all, we started on the foot prints. After 5 I knew the project had to be abandoned. It wasn't going to work. First off, Ziva laughed and wiggled every time I painted her foot. Then she would fight me when I made the print. Therefor leaving me with a blob to work with. Secondly, once my helper elf learned we were making 100 he announced that I was crazy for thinking he was going to walk back and forth that many times to prop up the newly painted cards.

You see the make of a good artist is not always that they make wonderful art but when they can realize that a project is not going to pan out in any way, shape or form. In addition they have to be able to realize when the end does not justify the means. So...

I abandoned the project and bought pre-made cards the next day. I did take the picture below to remind myself how silly my plans can be. I hope you all enjoy your store bought cards.

Ziva's Painted Feet

Ahhh Chooo! Bless You.

We made it over the crud that Ziva and I seem to get at the same time. Well, we've only been sick together one other time. Still it seems much worse when you are in it. It is hard to be a mommy and be sick at the same time, but I made it. Now it's time to pick up where I left off, hit the ground running, burn the late night oil, basically run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. It's Christmas time and I'm already behind on my "to do" list.

Actually, since we didn't decorate this year (sniff) I have less to do than some people. Still I have hundreds of cookies to bake and package. Gifts to wrap, but I'm done shopping. Cleaning to do. And there's packing for that 10 day trip...ahhhhhh.

I have finished my cards and mailed them. I do still have Ziva's Bday invites to get together and mail out. You are all invited. If you want to show up in OKC Jan.3 from 12-2. Of course all the other prep for that.

So that is it with us. Gotta get to that list. Hope you are all well and ready for this season.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

11 Months - Dec. 3, 2008

Ziva turned 11 months yesterday. I can hardly believe it. Of course so much has been happening so fast, I wouldn't be surprised if she was 5 years old. It really does fly by. Saying that I think I will get off the computer and love my baby while she's still...a baby...sort of. I'll leave you with this. She is still so sweet and lovable. I wish you could have spent as much time as I have with her. She is such a blessing and gift from the Lord.

Sliding out of the Chair. of her favorite things. She will now go get a book and bring it to me to read to her. It is such a special time.

Much to be Thankful For!

Like most of you, we traveled to see friends and family this past week to celebrate Thanksgiving. After 16 hours driving halfway across country we arrived in Jefferson TX where we were hosted by Valerie (Marty's sister/Jason's Aunt) and Sam Ayer, inn keepers at The Azalea Inn. ( It was so beautiful and so comfortable. We had such a great time. We also got to see loads of family. Actually, it was the first time I got to meet some of Jason's family, after 7 years. There were kids everywhere. Crazy thing was they were our kids not us. That was really surreal for me. It was all an awesome experience. Valerie and Sam were wonderful hosts to open their home and business to us. All the food was yummy. Everyone was so fun to hang out with. Ziva even had a good time...when she wasn't napping.

A bite of Thanksgiving Dinner with Nanny

Jason and Julia

Jason and must be genetic.
Ziva and Pops
Ziva and her three second cousins, Keilin, Zayne and Kaden...
...and Ethan.

Rest Time

Jaxon and Ziva waking up Jason
Jaxon's impression of Ziva. She spent most of the trip with her finger in her mouth.

Eatin' cookies with Gran Jan

Playing guitar with Pops

Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven Years!

Today is Jason and my seven year wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Jason!

I have been blessed with such a wonderful man to lead me through this life. The Lord truly knew my perfect fit. Thank you Jason for all you have done, are doing and will do for us. You sacrifice so much for me and now for Ziva also. Thank you for you. Thank you for your smile. Thank you for your warming touch. Thank you for your sense of humour. Thank you for your logic. Thank you for everything but most importantly thank you for your love!

I could go on and on about Jason and our wonderful marriage but it would never truly capture all that is this beautiful covenant. I can only share with you that if you wait on the Lord and trust only in Him, He will bless you abundantly and wholly. Thank you Lord Jesus for this little peace of heaven on earth.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The New Face

Ziva has started making this face all the time. She'll even do it on cue for the camera as you see below. Her personality has just started to blossom even more. She is such a joy to be around. Don't get me wrong she has her moments, but most of the time she is so positive and happy. She may get engrossed in what she is doing but you can just tell she is enjoying herself. I can't help but praise the Lord for such a wonderful blessing in our lives. She is teaching us so no matter how much droll, spit up and poop your covered with you can still manage a smile.

Look at that drool!

Guess Who's Walking

Much to my surprise Ziva walked Saturday morning. I wasn't expecting it. We were playing in her "pen." I was seated somewhat in the middle and Ziva had her back to me. All of a sudden she turned around and walked to me. Hands free! She took 3 to 4 steps. Its hard to tell with those baby shuffling steps. Sadly, Jason was still sleeping. We played a little while longer and she did it again. When daddy finally woke up it was time for Ziva to walk for him. She did walk again for her daddy. Unfortunately, I was too excited and didn't hit record. I took a still picture instead. So we had our poor baby preform again and again till I could get it recorded. You can tell she's just starting out. This footage is more of a run than a walk. I didn't get any of the slow and steady walks on film. She still prefers to crawl but we were told at church today to expect her to be running by Christmas. Hope your house is ready Grand Jan and Pops.

Ziva has also been standing on her own (hands free) for over a week now. The whirlwind of growing up has started. I did not expect my baby to be able to stand up holding a ball and stay up for at least thirty seconds this week. Now she walking. I can not believe it. I'm just glad Jason was home for the first day!

Play Date

We have started a play date for Ziva's Sunday school class, The Acorns. Bluffton is composed of a lot of families who are transplants and don't have a lot of friends or family around. Our church, Live Oak Christian Church, has allowed us to have it at their recreation area so that the pressure of having a perfect house and all that for company doesn't fall on any of us. It has really turned out next to perfect. It is such a great time and it is so neat to watch our children play along side each other. These pictures are from this past Thursday. I waited to late and some of our lil' friends went home but we'll get them on the blog soon.

Josiah, Ziva and Jacob (Josiah's big brother)

Jacob eating a blue iced cookie in his Bob the Tomato shirt. He was covered before the cookie was half way eaten.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where's Ziva?

"Where's Ziva?" (AKA peek-a-boo) is one of the popular games in our home. We play it around walls, behind doors, with blankets, with "Taggie," with books. Ziva will even play with her bib. A little over a month ago she started to start the game herself. Then she gets really excited and plays really fast. Recently she has added playing over her fence. Yes, we fence our child in. If not she would be out the door and down the block with car in less than a minute. Anyway, she sneaks "behind" the fence and then pops out. We just can't figure out if she knows we can see her when she is "hiding" or not.

Sushi Baby

Jason and I love Sushi. We can't wait to share the experience with Ziva. No, we haven't fed her raw fish...yet. No matter what the pictures look like. We just think it is funny that this child will eat anything or at least try. Well, maybe it is not funny because the battery out of the remote was scary, but when it's "big people" food we think it is cute.

Ziva also sported her new hat this night. Too cute!


Mmmm...raw fish. No mom we didn't feed it to her!

The New Hat

Ziva and Her Walker

I am trying my best not to push Ziva to walk. I really do not feel the need to have my baby grow up to fast. Also, I am still trying to recover from her learning to crawl. Life has not been the same since then. Hence the long time between posts. Saying that I can't help but let her walk with her walker. She has so much fun. I didn't catch it on film but most of the time she goes as fast as possible into any solid object then repeatedly bumps into it. It's funny. Hope you enjoy this one.

Happy Baby

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Video, Finally!

We finally got videos to upload again. We got a new camera it and it takes video in normal...shape. Really it is the ratio but not many people (grandmas understand that). Basically, the other camera shot in wide screen and this camera is normal. Therefore, we can show off our baby via video as well.

This is video of some of her "faces" she makes. It's kind of a mix between a kissy face and a duck face. Once she gets going making this face she will do it for hours. Of course when I want to catch it on film she is only truly interested in kicking the camera.


This was suppose to go with the 10 month pictures but Blogger wouldn't let me write anything on that post. Who knows why. I still wanted to post it so here it is.

I have gotten really bad at getting stuff posted when it is actually current. Monday, November 3rd Ziva turned 10 months. She is all that a 10 month can be. She is everywhere and trying to do everything. She has really changed this past month. I wanted to post a detailed list of stuff she is doing but I never got around to it. So here it is at 10 months. (See Below) The picture below is from the actual 10 month day. I think she has actually grown since these pictures.

I don’t know if any of you told us that Ziva going from 6 months to 9 months (let alone 10 months) would bring a lot of changes. If you did we didn’t listen. It is truly over whelming what those four short months does for a “baby.” It is really had for me to even call Ziva that. She is so far from the little tiny baby she was. There have been so many changes. Good changes. Necessary changes. And not so good changes or also know as bad changes (She has her Daddy’s temperament).

  • Ziva has been crawling for over a month now.Yes I do regret encouraging this.Really only because both Jason and I were totally unprepared.Now every night I fall into bed exhausted.On a side note: I may have prayed for an active baby.This may have not been the wised of things.I thought it would have helped fight the genetic “squishiness” that becomes Jason and me oh so well.I also thought it would proactively help Jason and me get off the sofa.Lastly, I thought it wouldn’t start till about 2 or 3.Oh, my sweet heavenly Father what you chose to give us verbatim is humorous.I asked for an active baby and you gave me an active baby.Next child we have I am to give Jason a list of what I am praying for so he can mark off the “stupid” things to ask for.That pretty much leads me to the next one.
  • Ziva is very active (remember my prayer). She is up and down and all around everywhere. She is cruising at a speed that makes my heart drop. I have become a human jungle gym. This I thought came later too. We believe that she may be working on a career in Extreme Sports. I fault her father with this since he daily works on descenthsing her fear response. No matter what she is doing she doing it at a hundred miles a min. She can pull on anything and anyone. She uses her little friends at play dates to pull up then she pushes them down. Not on purpose but still!! I have that kid!!! She learned to fall pretty early and pretty easy. I thought this was a good thing. Now I am not so sure. She can fall in any direction from any position and “hop” right up. She may have to roll over to her feet but she keeps going. She has a high pain tolerance. So when she does get hurt it is for real and it is drama!
  • She hasn’t started walking yet but does stand on her own…until she realizes she is standing. Kind of like the Looney Toons. She does walk with one of those walkers. The ones they hold in front of them. She thinks it is funny to run and then slam into things. This fun turns into frustration because she hasn’t figured out how to turn around. My mom said I started walking at 9 months. Other than using the walker, I’m not encouraging her to walk. Remember the active prayer?
  • She is pointing and “asking” what things are. It is too cute.
  • She waves good bye at the appropriate time. You can even ask her if she wants to go bye bye and she will wave.
  • She can sign: milk, more, cereal, food/eat, and mine. For those of you who aren’t so familiar with the sign for mine it goes as follows: You are on the floor and you pick up one of baby’s toys. Baby crawls over, takes toy and puts it on floor. Crawls away. Baby will repeat “sign” until parent stops messing with her toys. This baby is full of nice habits to break. We are working on the signs: please, thank you, moon, cat, dog and a few others. When she is lazy she will just point at the sign you are making and squeal. She has also started punctuating her requests with a hard slap on the high chair tray. Fun times.
  • We get to shop in the toddler sections of stores. I realized this when we were at Target the other day. This made me excited at all the options and sad because no more “baby” clothes. She has been in a 12M since she was 9 months. Only because she’s so long.
  • She loves “big people” food. She hates baby food. This has made feeding time a bit difficult.
  • She is still so sweet and a joy to be around. People flock to her and she loves it. She loves Sunday school and always sets the best example. We never worry about her when she is there. Until the flying breadstick incident, she has been perfect at restaurants.
  • Ziva hasn’t really said anything yet. She has “mocked” us a few times but no real words. She understands a lot of words. With that and her signing, it has gotten easier to communicate with her. I can even ask her where some things are and she will point at them. I just don’t believe she feels the need to talk yet. Which you know what, I am thankful for.
  • She does make all these weird sounds with her mouth. She can click her tongue, blow raspberries and so many other strange things. She can twist her tongue. She is a bit weird…I am so proud.
  • She is still terrified of that monkey screeching sound.
  • She can take things apart that in my opinion she shouldn’t be able to. For example the remote. She removed the batteries the other day and proceeded to try to eat them. Needless to say that was the last time she played with a real remote. She knows where her car seat unbuckles and messes with it constantly. I’m just lucky she’s not strong enough to actually open it. Because of this inherent curiosity and “mechanical” tendency I have started hiding some things from her that I don’t feel she needs to know how to do or that they even do things. This drives her crazy. She tries her hardest to peer around and see.
  • She has started throwing food down on the floor for Sear, our dog. One for Ziva, one for Sera.
  • She loves real pictures of animals and will reread and reread those types of books.

Oh, The Places You Find Sand

When we got to my parents condo we discovered that Ziva had sand every where. So in the sink for a quick bath she went.

Beach - Part I

These posts are actually out of order. I managed to load them backwards. How I did that I have no clue. The good thing is you get to read it in order for once.

While my parents were here we when to the beach. I guess Jason and I take it for granted and drag our feet when company wants to drag us there. Yet, when we get there, it is always a good time. I was interested in how Ziva would react this time. To sum it up in three words - SHE LOVED IT! She had the best time and we had a great time with her.

She pointed with excitement the entire time we were there.

Chasing the Water

She loved kicking the water.

Trying to sit down in the water.

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