Saturday, March 27, 2010

Big Changes

We have had a lot of big changes and have a lot on the way. You'll read of potty training next. But right now we can discuss...BIG GIRL BEDS!! I never expected this subject to be such a big deal for Ziva but it was!

My (A) parents gave us a hand-me-down (sort of) toddler bed that you use a crib mattress with. Not sure where it came from. It was in their storage house so that meant it was free. That made it perfect because we felt we should have Ziva out of the crib for some time before baby #2 moves into it. That way Ziva doesn't have so much "ownership" of the crib. The toddler bed was a old dingy white wash. Jason worked very hard stripping it and staining it. Then putting it together was a little difficult since it was missing parts. But daddy is awesome at stuff like this so he fixed the issues and made it sturdier than it would have been.

Ziva got to look in on this project. She knew it was her big girl bed and talked about it a lot. Then my (A) mother saw the bedding on line at Target and wanted to get it for the bed. Everything basically came together perfectly.

The night we "unveiled" the big girl bed was so much fun. Ziva loved it. (Video coming soon) She actually interrupted our normal bedtime routine to tell me to turn off the light and leave so she could sleep. The Lord has really blessed this transition. That is the only explanation. And we are so thankful!!

I'll post pictures of her whole room once I get it all together...a week. Have to get it done before baby #2 gets here!


Her new bedding.

I love that Z actually tucks her hands under cheeks as she sleeps. I had to risk waking her up to take this photo.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love the bedding. I'm dreading making the switch with Ashlen. She doesn't handle change well. I'm glad it went so well for yall.