It may have seemed like it, but we did not let Ziva's 8 month bday pass by without notice. We were busy preparing for Hurricane Hannah, which, Praise the Lord, passed us by. We had to rearrange the garage and get all the boxes (over 50) up off of the floor. Box up "valuables" and put them up. Plan out where our furniture would go. We were afraid that we would flood. It gets pretty soggy on a "normal" rainy day. So we knew that it would get real bad if Hanna hit us or even near us.
It rained for about an hour and that was it.
So here is our little girl on her 8 months and 4 day birthday. As you see it is almost impossible to get her to sit still and even more impossible to get a good picture. But she is so much fun to watch.
Ziva has changed so much in the past month. She waves goodbye. She is working on da da. Well we are working on attaching da da to Jason. We are working on our signs. She does cereal when she is playing but doesn't attached it to any meaning. She is pulling up and almost crawling. We thought she was going to crawl last week but tooth number three interrupted. Ziva spent a lot of last week fussing while she played. Ziva has also learned that if she kicks the underneath of her highchair tray she can knock stuff off. That's fun.

The only picture she looked at the camera.
This would have been the best picture. She was posed cute. She was smiling. She was looking at the camera. Then Fulton came out of nowhere and ruined it!
1 comment:
We usually have to take about 20 pics each Monday to get one to put on the blog. Thank goodness for our point and shoot camera that we are borrowing.
Ziva is so cute. I can't wait to meet her. Ashlen will probably be a snob to her at first, then she'll be nice.
We are so thankful you made it through Hannah safely!! Kim
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