Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 9th, 2008 - 9 Weeks Old

More Nanny Time! Ziva has been having a lot of fun with her Nanny Ivy. She took us today to go see the Easter Bunny. I had a few fears of what could happen but it went as well as could be expected. No real big smiles, but then no true melt downs.

We also went to see the Doctor for our two month check up. Ziva now weighs 10lbs even and is 22.5 inches long!! The Doctor said she was perfect and was excited about her development. We do suspect that she may be lactose intolerant. So, we are going to try a new formula and I am going to cut out milk and see if that doesn't help her crying and pain. Praying that this works. It is so sad when she is in pain (gas and such) but when she's not she is such a happy baby. Hopefully we can fix this so she can be happy all the time.

Napping with Nanny

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