Saturday, March 27, 2010

Big Changes

We have had a lot of big changes and have a lot on the way. You'll read of potty training next. But right now we can discuss...BIG GIRL BEDS!! I never expected this subject to be such a big deal for Ziva but it was!

My (A) parents gave us a hand-me-down (sort of) toddler bed that you use a crib mattress with. Not sure where it came from. It was in their storage house so that meant it was free. That made it perfect because we felt we should have Ziva out of the crib for some time before baby #2 moves into it. That way Ziva doesn't have so much "ownership" of the crib. The toddler bed was a old dingy white wash. Jason worked very hard stripping it and staining it. Then putting it together was a little difficult since it was missing parts. But daddy is awesome at stuff like this so he fixed the issues and made it sturdier than it would have been.

Ziva got to look in on this project. She knew it was her big girl bed and talked about it a lot. Then my (A) mother saw the bedding on line at Target and wanted to get it for the bed. Everything basically came together perfectly.

The night we "unveiled" the big girl bed was so much fun. Ziva loved it. (Video coming soon) She actually interrupted our normal bedtime routine to tell me to turn off the light and leave so she could sleep. The Lord has really blessed this transition. That is the only explanation. And we are so thankful!!

I'll post pictures of her whole room once I get it all together...a week. Have to get it done before baby #2 gets here!


Her new bedding.

I love that Z actually tucks her hands under cheeks as she sleeps. I had to risk waking her up to take this photo.


Ziva loves to help. When I vacuum she has to vacuum too. She use her popper as a vacuum. Love that imagination. I noticed later that she had set her "vacuum" up next to mine when she was done.

Potty Training

Last week we started potty training. We decided on a week long concentration on potty training. I cleared my calendar and didn't do anything but hang out with Ziva. She woke up on a Monday and all the diapers and her changing table had disappeared.

At first it didn't go well. Ziva wet so many pairs of training pants I could hardly keep up. The second day she didn't wet as many but that was because she spent the majority of the day on the potty...doing nothing. She would sit and sit and sit and sit. She could stay up there for 30 mins or longer and not do a thing. She would read her books or sings songs. Then we would get up, wash up, and then in less than 5 minutes she had peed her panties. This went on all day. Till late afternoon when we banished all panties and went naked.

Day three started "naked" time. We spent the next three days in the kitchen/dining room naked. And it worked. I could go into more details but right now all I'm going to say is that the full attention and naked time worked. By Saturday she was in panties and running around the house.

This Monday will be the two week mark. She is doing so good. If we don't go anywhere Ziva still runs around in just panties. Makes it easier for her to get ready. And the potty is still in the kitchen. Still she is doing awesome. She does use pull ups at night and nap time but the past several nap times have been dry. Today, we went out and she wore pull ups (I'm not ready for major clothing issues and I don't know if I can physically handle it) and she didn't pee her "bye bye panties" once! The only issue was that she wouldn't use the bathroom. The one we took her to had automatic flushes and scared her to death. But we thought ahead and brought her potty with us. So when we got back to the van Ziva gladly pee peed there. Which may seem odd but it works for now.

So that is where we are. Please keep praying for Ziva's success in this.

Day Two...Just Sitting There and Sitting There and Sitting There

Day Three...Success! Yes that's pee in the potty. When your this excited and proud you'll post anything.
Please ignore the mess in the back ground. We have a thousand projects going on as we get ready for #2...#2 baby...not #2 potty issue.

Ziva likes playing in "forts." Forts are any kind of structure with some type of cloth draped over it. She even likes the single person fort...cloth draped over her head. Here Z wanted to hang out in a fort while she pottied. How could we say no?

Such a Lady

We wanted to get a picture of this before we didn't have a chance anymore. When Ziva would get her diaper changed she would cross her legs while she waited. Can't explain it. Just something she did. And now we won't see this any more.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Almost There

Can't believe I let over 15 days pass between postings. It honestly doesn't feel like that long. I guess that is how it always is when you have a dead line. Ours is less than a month away. Trying so hard to finish everything before the baby comes. I have good days and bad, but all of them full to the brim. So I nap through the hard work. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for the big day.

April 13th at 7:30am.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


There's not much more to say other than she did this all on her own...other than the earrings. But she insisted on those being put on.

Working on posing.

Sidewalk Chalk

Happy with her work.


The other day (by now it's probably been weeks) Ziva wanted to go outside and play in the snowman (meaning snow). She even dug out her hat and gloves to prepare. To bad it was in the 60s outside with no snow. Poor Ziva.

Check out the different gloves.

Passing Time

Reading in Her Room.

Stacking Blocks. She is actually making a "big girl bed" which has been the hot topic as daddy works on finishing Ziva's big girl bed. Soon!!

Feeding a big rubber frog a smaller plastic frog.

Kicking back with ice cream.
So basically all attempts of keeping Ziva's diet balanced has been thrown aside due to the fact that prego mommy can't get enough ice cream. Z nor Jason seem to mind.

Girl Scout Cookies

Our family made it this year with purchasing only two boxes of girl scout cookies. One Thin Mint (to be kept in freezer) and one Samoa. We couldn't let those boxes go without sharing at least one with Ziva. She really liked you can probably tell.

Sugar High

We're trying to work with Ziva to allow us to take pictures of her of her smiling and looking at the camera. We are also working with her so that maybe she will pose with baby sister when she gets here. This was our first try. Not sure what I think of it.

Catching Ziva

I caught Ziva jumping off her chair and managed to take a few pictures before she noticed and got in trouble. The things they do!

Just before the jump
