Saturday, May 3, 2008

Waking Up Refreshed

We are so proud of Ziva! Thursday night, May 1st, Ziva went to bed around 7:45pm and slept through the night. I woke her up at 7am. She only fussed once for a few minutes around 5am. She woke up happy as usual. This is her celebration pic.


Gerri/Mom/Grammy said...

HI! I'm Gerri Shankle! I just wanted you to know that I read your blog this morning! How FUN to see your pictures and get to "experience" some of the things happening in the lives of "friends from the past"! I don't think I've seen you since Amy and Chad's Wedding! That's too long!! Jan sent me your blog because I kept asking for more pictures!! :-) If Jason would like to catch up on our family you can view two of our blogs at and

Gerri/Mom/Grammy said...

Oh! and Ziva is BEAUTIFUL!!!! :-)