Saturday, July 17, 2010

Spending Time with Daddy

Flying High



and Away!

From Afar

This is how Ziva watched fireworks this year. Inside and a day late. We tried day before when it was dark with only small fountains but she fell apart. It was really sad. So back to bed (we got her out of bed) she went. This is the only way we could get her to participate and she barely did this way. I would feel bad about it but I get it on high authority that she got this fear from her father. At least that is what his mom said.

Eden Faith Brown - 11 Weeks

11 Weeks Old
June 29th, 2010

4th of July

At a party the day before. No, I don't have an issue with my kids wearing the same thing back-to-back as long as they are clean. Which they were.

Why Blogger? Why? Why do you do this to my pictures?!?

Holding Hands

One of Eden's favorite things to do is hold her big sisters hands. She could play with them for hours if Ziva would let her. She even grabs her arms when she can't have her hands.

Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

Ziva's bathroom is right across the hall from her room. So I didn't feel bad about sitting Eden down for a moment while I helped Z on the potty. In no time Eden was a sleep. No fussing. Not even a peep. Too bad she can't sleep here every time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hangin' Around

My Girls

"No Eden! Don't pull Ziva's hair."

Eden Faith Brown - 10 Weeks

10 Weeks Old
June 22, 2010

I've Always Wanted a Monkey

Only $6 at a resale shop. After a good cleaning came a lot of fun.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictrues

Here are a bunch of pictures of Eden that I like. Hope you enjoy. On a side note...the reason Eden is "naked" a lot is because she spits up ALL THE TIME. It's awful. She's not in pain. She just spits up on everything. It is not uncommon for me to change clothes half a dozen times...before noon. To save on time I limit her to three changes a day.

Looks like a Peacock